Campouts are organized via the Patrol Method where possible and appropriate. In general, this means that the patrols will set up their tents together, separate from other patrols, and that patrols will be assigned specific duties for specific times.
The Patrol Method with respect to cooking consists of the following:
- The Patrol meets in the weeks prior to the campout and all members participate in the planning of the menu using a balanced menu plan. Menus are planned for each meal of the campout.
- The menu and supply list is then approved by a member of the adult leadership. A shopping list for both food and any needed supplies should be attached to the menu.
- Patrol members should establish a budget based on the number of meals to be prepared during the trip and allocate a equal per scout cost to all patrol members and guest.
- After the menu and budget has been reviewed and approved the Patrol Leader should collect funds from each patrol member and guest.
A member of the Patrol is designated (generally one that needs to complete the food purchase requirement) to buy the food for the Patrol.
- The food buying Patrol member will go to the store and purchase the food and supplies for the meals for the campout.
- Patrol members share in the preparation of the meal. All scouts should get a balanced meal. Scouts share in the clean-up as listed on the duty roster set by the boys in their planning session.
- Following the campout, unused food and supplies should be returned to the store for credit if possible. Any remaining perishables that cannot be returned should be divided among the Patrol members as equally as possible. Non-perishables that cannot be returned should be placed in the food chuck box for use at the next campout.