Troop Leadership Position Descriptions
This outlines the youth leadership positions and the basic responsibilities of the position. Every leader has a responsibility to:
- Set a good example;
- Wear the Scout uniform correctly;
- Live by the Scout Oath and Law;
- Show and help develop Scout spirit; and
- Work with other Troop leaders to make the Troop run well.
Senior Patrol Leader (SPL)
The Senior Patrol Leader is elected by the Scouts (as ASPL) to represent them as the top junior leader in the Troop. The SPL:
- Runs all Troop meetings, events, activities and the annual program planning conference;
- Chairs the Patrol Leader Council (PLC) and runs the meetings;
- Appoints other Troop youth leaders with the advice and counsel of the Scoutmaster;
- Assigns duties and responsibilities to other youth leaders and Scouts; and
- Assists the Scoutmaster with Junior Leader Training.
Minimum rank: Life
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL)
The Assistant Senior Patrol Leader is the second highest ranking leader in the Troop.
- Trains and provides leadership to the following youth leaders: Scribe, Quartermaster, Instructor,
Librarian, Historian, and Chaplain Aide;
- Helps lead meetings and activities as requested by the SPL;
- Acts as the Senior Patrol Leader in the absence of the SPL or when called upon; and
- Serves as a member of the PLC.
Minimum rank: Star
Patrol Leader (PL)
The Patrol Leader is the elected leader of his patrol (elected by members of his Patrol; not the whole Troop). The Patrol Leader:
- Appoints the Assistant Patrol Leader;
- Represents the patrol at all PLC meetings and the annual program planning conference;
- Plans and leads patrol meetings and activities;
- Prepare the patrol to take part in all Troop activities;
- Keeps patrol members informed;
- Assigns patrol members tasks and provides leadership to them;
- Know what patrol members and other leaders can do;
- Helps Scouts advance; and
- Show and help develop patrol spirit.
Minimum rank: None
Assistant Patrol Leader (APL)
The Assistant Patrol Leader is appointed by the Patrol Leader. The APL:
- Leads the patrol in the Patrol Leader’s absence;
- Represents the patrol at the PLC and related meetings;
- Helps the PL plan and lead patrol meetings and activities;
- Helps keep members informed and prepare them for Troop activities; and
- Helps control the patrol and develop patrol spirit;
- Though an important position, BSA does not count tenure in this position towards rank advancement leadership days.
Minimum rank: None
Quartermaster (QM)
The Troop Quartermaster keeps track of Troop equipment and sees that it is in good working order. The QM:
- Keeps records of patrol and Troop equipment;
- Keeps equipment in good repair;
- Keeps trailer and equipment storage areas neat and clean;
- Issues equipment and see that it is returned in good condition;
- Suggests new or replacement items;
- Works with Troop Committee Quartermaster in carrying out these duties;
- In Charge of set up and clean up of the troop meetings;
- In addition to the Quartermasters who manage the Troop equipment, the Troop also has a Uniforms Quartermaster. This position is responsible for maintaining the Troops used uniforms inventory and bringing them to the Troop meetings.
Minimum rank: None
The Scribe keeps the Troop records. The Scribe:
- Records the activities of the Troop meetings and activities;
- Attends PLC meetings and records assignments and actions;
- Records Scout attendance at meetings, events, and activities;
- Assists with record keeping of dues, advancement, etc.
- Works with Troop Committee members responsible for finance, records, and advancement.
- The Scribe is responsible for providing the event attendance records to the Advancement Coordinators. If the Scribe will be unable to attend an event he must find someone else to record event attendance for him.
Minimum rank: None
The Troop Librarian takes care of Troop literature. The Librarian:
- Maintains the Troop library;
- Keeps records of literature owned by the Troop;
- Adds new or replacement items as needed;
- Have literature available for borrowing at Troop meetings;
- Maintain a system to check literature in and out; and
- Follow up on late returns.
Minimum rank: None
The Troop Historian keeps a historical record for the Troop. The Historian:
- Gathers pictures and facts about past Troop activities and keeps them in scrapbooks, poster or wall displays, and information files;
- Assists provide information for the Troop web site;
- Takes care of Troop trophies, ribbons, souvenirs, or other keepsakes of Troop activities; and
- Keeps information about former members of the Troop.
- The Historian is responsible for the Court of Honor slide shows. If he does not have the equipment to produce the slideshow, he should seek out adult assistance. The Historian is responsible to gathering all the digital photos from the Troop membership for the slide shows.
Minimum rank: None
Chaplain Aide
The Chaplain Aide works with the Troop Chaplain to meet the religious needs of Scouts in the Troop. The Chaplain Aide:
- Makes sure religious holidays are considered during Troop program planning;
- Assists the Troop Chaplain with religious services or meeting religious needs of Troop members at Troop activities;
- Works to promote the religious awards program and informing Scouts about the program for their faith;
- Helps plan for religious observance in Troop activities;
- Encourage saying grace at meals while camping or on activities; and
- Lead “Scouts own” service on campouts;
Minimum rank: None
Appointed Positions:
The Instructor is responsible for teaching Scouting skills. The Instructor:
- Coordinates training requirements within the Troop;
- Prepares well in advance for each teaching assignment;
- Instructs basic Scouting skills as needed within the Troop or patrols;
- Assists the Troop Guide in planning and instruction of Trail to First Class requirements; and
- Arranges for other teaching assistance as needed.
Minimum rank: Star
Den Chief
The Den Chief provides knowledge of games and Scout skills to assist Den Leaders. The Den Chief is also a recruiter for the Troop. This function is important because no Troop can thrive without new members and most new members will come from Cub Scouting. The Den Chief:
- Knows the purposes of Cub Scouting;
- Helps Cub Scouts advance through Cub Scout ranks;
- Helps Webelos Scouts to prepare for Boy Scouts and encourage them to join a Boy Scout Troop upon graduation;
- Serves as activities assistant at den meetings;
- Meets regularly with den leaders to review den and pack meeting plans;
- Assists with Troop planning for Webelos visits; and
- Project a positive image of Boy Scouting.
Minimum rank: First Class
Troop Guide
The Troop Guide responsibilities are directed toward assisting new Scouts and their patrol. The Troop Guide:
- Introduces new Scouts to how the Troop operates;
- Helps them feel comfortable and guide them through early Scouting activities;
- Shield new Scouts from any kind of harassment by older Scouts;
- Help new Scouts earn their First Class rank in their first year;
- Teach basic Scout skills along with the Troop Instructor;
- Serve as the Patrol Leader for the New Scout Patrol and represent them at the PLC meetings;
- Assign new Scouts tasks and provide leadership to them;
- Assists the Assistant Scoutmaster with training; and
- Coach individual Scouts on Scouting challenges.
Minimum rank: Star
OA Troop Rep
The OA Troop Rep serves as a liaison between the Order of the Arrow (OA) and the Troop. He:
- Serves as a communication link between the lodge or chapter and the Troop;
- Assists with organizing the annual OA Troop election;
- Coordinates OA activities with the Troop members;
- Encourage year-round and resident camping in the Troop;
- Encourage older Scout participation in high adventure programs;
- Encourage Scouts to actively participate in community service projects;
- Assist with leadership skills training in the Troop;
- Encourage Arrowmen to take on leadership positions within the Troop; and
- Encourage Arrowmen to be active participants in lodge and/or chapter activities and to become Brotherhood members.
Requirement: OA member
Plays Reveille and Taps at campouts or other occasions.