Service projects consist of good deeds that benefit the Chartering Organization, the community, religious organization, or a school. These must always be discussed with the Scoutmaster before actually being done. A Scout may work on one by himself if the opportunity arises, but he must inform the Scoutmaster. The Troop will also arrange for service projects to help the Scouts with advancement. There are different time lengths for different ranks. A Scout may only accumulate the hours needed for the rank he is working towards. He cannot “save” hours for his next rank.
Scouts working on their Eagle Scout rank need to have a counselor work with them to insure that the proper requirements are being met. The Scout will then propose the project to the committee. The Advancements chairperson will then submit the Advancement Booklet to the Council office for the proper approval. After receiving this, the Scout may go ahead with his planning and encourage the boys in the Troop to help him. It is very important that every Scout help a fellow Scout by helping work when needed, due to the fact that they one day will be planning an Eagle Scout Service Project.